Incoming Fax template is used with Route through e-mail Incoming Routing Method when forwarding received faxes to e-mail recipients and sending e-mail notifications of unsuccessful fax reception. To modify this template, select Incoming Fax from the Select Template drop-down list. To use default template, check Use Default Template box.
E-mail Subject (Fax Received OK)
E-mail Subject in the case of successful fax reception.
E-mail Subject (Failed to receive a Fax)
E-mail Subject in the case of unsuccessful fax reception.
E-mail Body
Content of the e-mail.
Insert a variable
Use this button to insert a variable in the text box on the left. To insert a variable into the text, place the cursor in the desired location (or select text segment that you want to replace), press the button and then select a variable from the drop-down menu. Please note that each text box has its own Insert a variable button, which is located to the right of the text box.
Date and time formats
Select the locale (region and language) to specify how to display date and time values for the current template. An example of the formatting for the current selection is shown below under Example. This selection affects the display of date and time values defined by the following variables: %StartTime%, %EndTime%. By default, the date and time is formatted in accordance with operating system settings.
Use default date and time formats that match Windows display language
Click this button to select date and time formats that match Windows display language (for the current user).
The following variables can be used with Incoming Fax template (replaced by actual data):
- %CallingParty%. The full address of the calling party include prefixes (sip:, h323:, isdn: etc...). Examples: sip:[email protected]; h323:[email protected]; isdn:13195401289
- %CallerID%. The fax number of the caller.
- %CalledParty%. The full address of the called party include prefixes (sip:, h323:, isdn: etc...). Examples: sip:[email protected]:5070; h323:7778888; isdn:13192418956
- %CalledNumber%. The telephone number of the called party (DID).
- %RemoteFaxID%. The Transmitting Subscriber ID (TSID) received from the fax sender.
- %LocalFaxID%. The Called Subscriber ID (CSID) that identifies you as a fax recipient, sent to the fax sender.
- %StartTime%. The time when fax reception started.
- %EndTime%. The time when fax reception ended.
- %Duration%. The duration of the incoming fax call or fax transmission.
- %PagesReceived%. The number of delivered pages for received fax.
- %BitRate%. Transmission rate.
- %Ecm%. Error Correction Mode (ECM).
- %FaxProtocol%. Fax protocol information. Can be one of the following values: T.38, G711-FAX - audio fax over G.711 codec via VOIP or ISDN CAPI 2.0, ISDN-FAX B3:4:SFF - fax via ISDN CAPI 2.0 line using B3 Protocol 4: T.30 for Group 3 fax, ISDN-FAX B3:5:SFF - fax via ISDN CAPI 2.0 line using B3 Protocol 5: T.30 for Group 3 fax extended.
- %Resolution%. Fax resolution: Normal for 204 x 98 dots per inch (dpi), Fine for 204 x 196 dpi.
- %Result%. Operation completion code. OK in the case of a successful fax reception. In the case of a failed fax reception contains the error description.
- %ComputerName%. The name of the computer where Fax Voip T.38 Console installed.
- %RemoteFaxIDOrCallerID%. The mechanism for replacement is as follows: equivalent to %RemoteFaxID% if sender’s Fax ID is not an empty string; otherwise equivalent to %CallerID% if CallerID is not an empty string; otherwise unknown sender string.
- %CallerIDOrRemoteFaxID%. The mechanism for replacement is as follows: equivalent to %CallerID% if CallerID is not an empty string; otherwise equivalent to %RemoteFaxID% if sender’s Fax ID is not an empty string; otherwise unknown sender string.
- %CallerIDAndRemoteFaxID%. The mechanism for replacement is as follows: equivalent to %CallerID% (%RemoteFaxID%) if both CallerID and sender’s Fax ID are not empty strings; otherwise equivalent to %CallerID% if CallerID is not an empty string; otherwise equivalent to %RemoteFaxID% if sender’s Fax ID is not an empty string; otherwise unknown sender string. Example: 19012223344 ( (901) 222-3344).